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social media

Who do you listen to? Study after study has proven that consumers trust their friends and peers more than anyone else when it comes to making a purchase decision. Even more than connecting with the information about your business on your website, people want to CONNECT and INTERACT with you.

What is the easiest way for you to allow peer-to-peer reviews about your business and posted interactions between you and an individual that they perceive to be much like themselves? Consider getting a Facebook business page now!

Surely you have noticed that these posts are appearing in search results and people are preferring this communication between people to reading a static website.

What does this mean to you and your company? If you wish to "Broadcast Yourself" (as YouTube says) rather than just rely on the comments and conversations, it's time to establish your presence.

studio x, Santa Fe will guide you through the process of creating accounts & business profiles, all the way to implementing your branding & logo throughout the social networking world.

Our philosophy is to enable YOU to handle all of this, anytime, from anywhere. It's easy! But we know you may be busy, so we're happy to have our social media staff of experts serve you.

We have 4 plans, any of which can be customized for your business.

Contact us to receive our latest offerings, ask questions and to schedule an initial consultation.